Company’s History“TATAVTODOR” – is the oldest road-building company of Tatarstan, established in April 1929. During 1960s – 70s “TATAVTODOR” created the network of supporting motor roads that provides for stable autotransport communication in Tatarstan between all its towns, districts and most country townships and villages. Up to year 1996 the Company not only built and serviced the roads, but also performed the state control over the road engineering in the Republic.
In 2008 a new page was opened in the history of our Company. According to the Decision of RT Cabinet of Ministers No.763 of December 29, 2007 was performed amalgamation of “TATAVTODOR” with “Dorozhniy Service RT” Co. Thus was established the new JSC “TATAVTODOR” that maintains the fine traditions of the past, but also aims at mastering the new trends and innovations in highway engineering. The Company aims to follow as close as possible the European standards of quality and life of motor roads.
At present JSC “TATAVTODOR” is the biggest road building company in the Republic, with highest production capacity and greatest number of staff and personnel, and owns the most wide network of working units in the districts.
Following the strategy of innovative development, in 2009, JSC “TATAVTODOR” put into operation 6 high-capacity asphalt-mixing plants in different areas of the Republic with the aim to provide the future wide-scale road building with high-grade asphalt.
From the beginning and up to year 1996 “TATAVTODOR” performed the state control over the Republic road industry and at the same time conducted enormous work for building, repair and servicing of public motor roads.
We would like to remind that “TATAVTODOR” created the network of supporting motor roads that permits to travel from the capital of Tatarstan to all its towns, district centers and most country townships and villages along the asphalt-concrete roads.
History of road-building in Tatarstan
until 1940
With different peoples and tribes populating the Middle Volga region, agriculture and handicraft development demanded economic ties between the townships and villages. Thus gradually was developed the network of roads with more or less intensive cartage traffic. By the end of 19th century all the cart roads were under the authority of the Province Zemstvo Board. Depending on the width of designated strip of land, the roads were divided into following categories:
- Province post roads (designated strip of land width – 20 m);
- District trade roads (designated strip of land width – 10 - 20 m);
- Country roads (designated strip of land width – 4 m);
- Cattle-driving roads (designated strip of land width – 100 - 200 m).
There were some roads paved with stone, paved roadway width 4 – 5 m, roadbed width 5 – 10 m. However, the length of paved roads was very small. The dirt roads were being washed away by rains and in some seasons were not reliable at all. After WWI and Civil War the Soviet power started the course for wide-scale industrialization of the country, which necessarily demanded new roads.
In 1920s on the territory of Tatar ASSR there were some roads paved with rock and stone blocks that led from Moscow through Kazan to Orenburg, Perm, Ufa, Ulianovsk. With coming of autotransport was raised the problem of necessity of more contemporary asphalt roads and strong bridges.
On November 28, 1928 Soviet Government published Decision “On Roads and Automobile Business in USSR”, and in compliance with it there was created Central Administration for Motor and Dirt Roads and Automobile Transport “TsUDORTRANS” and “TATDORTRANS” – its branch in Tatar Republic. Regulations concerning the “TATDORTRANS” was adopted by the Government of Tatar Republic on 5th April 1929 (this is the date the history of “TATAVTODOR” started). Iskhak Mustafovich Kazakov was appointed the first Director of the new Organization, and he had to create the road-building branch of the local industry from mark zero.
12 Road-Building Units were created for building, repair and servicing of the roads, and in 1936 there were established Road-Machine Stations MDS-1 in village Panovka, MDS-2 in town Chistopol’ and 2 RBU in township Tjulyachi and village Maslovka (Alexeevsky District). In city Kazan was created special Motor-Transport Depot for servicing these Stations and Units. From 1933 – 1939 there were built the roads paved with stone and gravel of 1,992 km total length.
At the beginning of 1940 out of 1,200 km of republic roads only 767 km had hard pavement, and out of total 8,000 km of local roadways only 1,700 km were dirt roads. During the first half of 1940s the road-building slowed down, but even during the hard period of Great Patriotic War some roads with white broken rock pavement were built.
It’s hard to imagine now, but first asphalt roads in Tatarstan were built less than 60 years ago, in 1956-57 at the highway Kazan – Orenburg, after establishing the first asphalt concrete plant near village Sokury (Laishev District). In one year RBDep.-1 built about 20 km of asphalt roads. Gradually the roads Kazan – Arsk, Kazan – Ufa in some parts were paved with asphalt concrete. Many district centers became connected with Kazan through the hard-paved roads.
From 1952 in oil-producing districts of the Republic they started to build the roads with the investments from the industry. By 1959 there were built 522 km of roads with asphalt and black-gravel pavement. During this period such roads as Almet’evsk – Bugulma - Bavly (90 km), Almet’evsk -Aznakaevo (56 km) Bugulma – Romashkino (32 km), Naberezhnye Chelny – Zainsk – Aktash (96 km), Bugulma – Aznakaevo (43 km) were built and reconstructed.
In 1956 in connection with construction of Sugar Mill near the railroad station Nurlat the road Chistopol – Nurlat received high economical significance. There was created a special Road-Servicing Unit. Next year were established another 5 RSUs for servicing and repair of republic roads.
After 1956 at the roads serviced by “TATAVTODOR” 8 big reinforced concrete bridges and about 30 smaller ones were built: 2 bridges across Sviyaga river, 2 across Cheremshan river, 2 across Mesha river, 2 across Kazanka river, and also bridges over rivers Sulcha, Oshma, Shentala, Tolkishka, Keremet’, Sheshma, Chelna, Norma, Karla and others. About 1,500 old small wooden bridges and pipe culverts were reconstructed as reinforced concrete culverts. As a result of all these construction and reconstruction the quality of roads became much higher. During the period from 1959 to 1965 were built roads with hard pavement of 3,721 km total length, including: 655 km of republic and regional roads, 2,221 km of local roads, 845 km of departmental roads. By January 1966 the Republic owned 10,094 km of roads, including 1,555 km (15,4 %) paved with asphalt concrete; and by 1970 total length of roads was 10,848 km, including 2,061 km (19%) paved with asphalt concrete.

During 1970s the road building and engineering in the Tatar Republic received new development. The main task was the creation of technical basis for road-building departments and units of “TATAVTODOR” and equipping these with new asphalt concrete plants and road-building machines.
For the building, repair and servicing of Tatarstan roads by the end of 1970s – beginning of 1980s “TATAVTODOR” accumulated great material and technical resources. Total were built 69 asphalt concrete plants, 9 oxidation mills for bitumen production, 5 plants for mineral powder production; 2,300 units of road-building machines were purchased. More than 700 permanent bridges of 32 km total length were constructed, including bridges across such big rivers as Volga, Vyatka, Sviyaga. Total length of roads with hard pavement reached 4,400 km, including over 3,000 km of asphalt roads.
Were built such important republic highways as Kazan – Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga – Izhevsk, Northern by-pass highway around city Kazan … The roads Naberezhnye Chelny – Zainsk – Almet’evsk, Naberezhnye Chelny – Menzelinsk – Aktanysh were widened.
In 1980s a big bridge across Volga river near Zajmishche township (Kazan suburb) was built and it turned out highly important for development of sophisticated road network on the right bank of Volga, eliminated ferry crossings along the highways connecting Kazan with Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulianovsk, Cheboksary, and generally for the social and economic life of the Tatarstan Republic.